Make a Difference Today...

Take the Become More Pledge Today!

The Become More Pledge:

  • I pledge, in my current and imperfect state, to consistently strive to elevate my levels of gratitude, growth, and giving.

  • I commit to be curious, to lead by example, to live a passionate and purposeful life, and to be generous with my time, talent, and treasure. To promote hope, love, joy, and laughter.​

  • ​I will ask, look, listen, and take action to invite God’s light to flow through me with the honest objective of blessing others and the clear understanding that living these principles is HOW I become more.

Accept the Become More Pledge!

To get updates on how you can be involved in relieving poverty in Cambodia, add your number.

THE GOAL: Have 5,000 People Take the Pledge By the End of 2024

Join the movement.

Be the change.

Your pledge today shapes a new you and transforms tomorrow for the rest of the world.

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